Thursday, June 26, 2008

Future Vocation?

We have some new babies to take care of! They don't cry or need to take naps...but they sure do get thirsty. Give up? We've got a whole bunch of new trees! We want to make sure they get the best start possible so we're very carefully watering them. Fortunately, we have alot of help available for this endless chore.

Note the precision with which he fills the jugs. This kid wasn't born yesterday.

Sustaining life is not easy, but very rewarding.

The most important step, obviously, is placing the water in just the right spot. In this instance, that would be on Chip's foot. I think he could have a real future in landscape science.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Whew! We have been attending Vacation Bible School this week and I'm beat. Chip and I are hanging out in the nursery, eating one Teddy Graham after another. The older kids are all having a great time. Luke and Nick are both helping in recreation, a very exalted position, let me assure. Tyler still takes part in a class. I've got some pictures to share that kind of sum up the whole VBS experience.

Tyler got to carry the American Flag and lead the Pledge on Monday! That's exciting!

Luke and Nick have spent the week looking very cool, shooting baskets and eating snacks in the gym. You have no idea how the few available recreation spots are coveted. It's a good thing that bribe I gave the director worked out okay.

And Chip has been keeping all the ladies happy by just showing his usual Mr. Personality persona. Lots and lots of cookies and containment is what's needed here. That and a nap for Mom.
Last Friday, we were treated to a very fun visit from Christy, Christian and Will. Christy and I had a great time visiting and watching Will. He is just precious! He let me kiss him all I wanted. I didn't see much of Christian beyond, "Hi! You look fantastic!" as he ran downstairs to play with Tyler. There was fun stuff to do down there...not boring stuff like upstairs where we were indulging in coffee and babies. And he couldn't wait to get to it! But you know what, there is nothing on this earth I would rather see him do than heading off to play with his cousin. He is a walking, talking miracle and I have a picture to prove it. Just one...they were awfully busy. :o)

We love you all and are so glad you stopped in!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This post will be mostly pictures, I'm thinking. It is amazing to see how time has marched relentlessly on. We've all grown up...grown older! The kids are adults now. Most are married. Some are even parents. Dad is gone. I weigh alot more. Tim's hair isn't nearly as tall. Anyway, enjoy this trip down memory lane.

Last note: you have probably noticed that there are no pictures of Paula or Sandy here. That's a pretty funny story. Ask Sandy about that.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

On The Road Again

Sunday, June 8, a small group of kids from church, including Nick, left for Eminence, MO. Their mission: to have a blast at camp doing such fun things as caving, canoeing, climbing high ropes, staying up too late and playing pranks on each other. You know, camp stuff. I hear there are some really good stories to be told on Nick! I've heard a few already and they are pretty darn funny!

I wasn't invited because I would have been a definite drag, always fretting over my "baby" and generally ruining Nick's great time. I don't have any pictures to post from camp, of course, but I do have a few before and after shots.

Here is the church van, crammed full of luggage. Not only is it impossible for the driver to see out the back, it also lowers the van's gas mileage to 3 m.p.g.

These are the lucky kids who went to Great Gulch and got to spend time with Nick!

After a word of prayer for safety (remember the non-existent back window!!) and a hug from Dad.......

They were off!
We missed Nick so much but we knew he was having a fun time. We didn't know that because he called or anything, because he didn't. He is, after all, 12 and perfectly fine to stay away from home for 5 days regardless of how much Mom was wanting to hear his voice. But we assumed. At any rate, it was so, so good to see his happy, tired form climb out of that van when they got back. Wow! The laundry he brought back was impressive. Good old Missouri cave dirt ground into jeans. Shaving cream encrusted shorts. River water stained shirts. And I didn't care one little bit. I'm so glad he had a memorable time with friends who love him...but I'm more glad he's here with me, who loves him even more.

Rite Of Passage

Ah, the wading pool! Such a milestone of childhood. Chip got his very own wading pool this last weekend and he L-O-V-E-S it with all of his heart. It didn't matter to him one little bit that the water straight from the hose was almost solid, as in ICE. He was just happy to enjoy its shimmery wetness.

And, what's a pool without a highly focused lifeguard? No place I'd want to frequent, that's for sure. Surf's up, Nick!

Stay Off The Roads! We've Got A New Driver!

I know it is a tired topic of conversation to discuss how fast time goes by. But sometimes you just can't help it. This last week, Luke, after much sweating and fretting, took and passed the written test for his instructional driver's permit. Now this means that he can legally drive with a licensed driver...and we have been. Believe me, we have been. He is doing great and is very cautious and careful. I get alot of text messages sent as I get used to sitting in the passenger seat. Not long ago, I heard a song that said "you can't fence time" and that is so true. You sure can't, but you can go along for the ride. :o)

Recently we had some of the teens over to do some work around here. They came willingly and worked hard. They were working to earn money for camp, and earn it they did! Those kids crawled all over our deck and had it stained in no time.

Heather even got into the action and helped Nick to rejuvenate my deck furniture!

All they asked in return was a little food. They ate handsomely. Even licked the plates. That saved me lots of time with dishwashing.

Everyone was delighted with the work they did! Thank you so much, Teens!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It is amazing to me what kids can do with their bodies. They can climb and jump and run...all things that are currently foreign to me. Not that I'm unable to do any of those things. I'm simply not that sort. And I wasn't as a little kid either. Therefore, going to the park with All Those Boys is quite an eye opener for me. Check out what I caught some of them doing.

Here is Tyler doing his impression of an inch worm. Of course, he's longer than an inch, but still.

This, of course, is what all the evolutionists have been dying to get their hands on. Nick is obviously the missing link.

Tim is such a smarty-pants. This is him going across the monkey bars. Way to expend energy, Dad.

Finally, here we have me "playing" at the park. This could very well be worth alot of money, as it's an extremely rare photo. But I wouldn't want it to be said that I never played with my kids at the playground!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh, my goodness! Look at this picture I just found of the super cool Screamin' Eagle Pep Band from probably around 1983 or so. You have NO idea how badly I wanted to play in this band. I even had a Screamin' Eagle Pep Band t-shirt that I cherished. But, alas, I was too young and it was not to be. By the time I was old enough, it was just not the same. I've never gotten over it. But look! What is this I see? Who is that groovy dude with the large smoky glasses sitting on the front row? Right behind the tri-toms, which were definitely the coolest instrument in the entire Pep Band? Why, it's Tim! Lucky fellow! I can still remember how he played those tri-toms during the solo in "Land of a Thousand Dances." I knew I loved him even then. Oh, this was fun! I will dig up more old pictures and get them properly published here on the 'Blog. Stay tuned!

Play That Funky Music, White Boy

That's one cool cat I got myself there. Maybe I should explain what in the world is going on here. You see, Luke just got Guitar Hero for his birthday. This is a game for the XBox 360. A game for the KIDS, you understand. But judging from that superstar grin on Tim's face, we see that Big Daddy is the one getting his groove on.

Now, I'm not one to brag, of course, but anyone can tell that I have found the proper Guitar Hero form. It is clear that I am ready to hit the road with KISS or Bon Jovi or somebody big.

So we'll just keep practicing. And the kids can just get in line.