Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Keep My Karate Like A Treasure In My Pocket

As you loyal readers of the 'Blog know, Tyler has been taking Tae Kwon Do classes for the past two months. He really enjoys every aspect of the training and can't wait for class to roll around each week. Today he tested for his yellow belt and did very well. This was his first time to test, so none of us knew what to expect. He, and all the other kids, lined up and performed tons of moves as Master Fred shouted out directions, rapid fire.

These pictures show Tyler doing different blocks and moves. To my dismay, all of his kick shots are blurry, but they're cool so I posted a couple anyway.

We are all very proud of Tyler and his hard work. The concept of the white belt is 'focus' and 'punctuality.' Ty has exhibited these traits in his training towards the yellow belt. He had lots of admirers from our family who came to cheer him on. Thank you to everyone who came today. It means SO much to us that you took time from your busy, busy Saturday to support our kidlet.

So now he starts work on his orange belt. Lots more training, more moves and blocks, even some awesome kicks and punches. Pretty soon, I think we'd all better watch how we talk to Tyler or we could end up in a body cast. Congratulations, Tyler!! We are so proud of you!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I have always wanted to take pictures of the beautiful stained glass windows in our church. I love the way the sunlight streams through them and makes the colors so rich and deep. There are times when some of the panes just simply glow. And, of course, everyone knows that you can't have too much glow!
I know that the church is God's people, not a certain building. And I also know that if this lovely building where we worship was gone tomorrow, our church would still remain. But I do so enjoy being in this beautiful place. For me, it's the only church I've ever known, and I can't imagine belonging anywhere else.

It is humbling to think that so many years ago, people created these masterpieces to decorate God's House. No, a church doesn't have to look a certain way. I'm just so happy that mine is just right for me.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Think We'll Call Him TAE-ler

Tyler has recently started studying Tae Kwon Do. He really wanted to do this for quite some time, but I just couldn't swing the logistics of it all until I got a lucky break and a class started right here in town. He goes two times per week and just loves it. The instructor works them so hard and they all eat it up. He (the instructor, not Tyler) is rather intimidating so even though I am the one paying the bill, I haven't had the nerve yet to bring my camera to class. But that can't stop a mother on a mission. Here within lies the never-before-published-unretouched photos of Tyler Tae Kwon Do-ing.

And, of course, there is another Tae Kwon Do-er in the house. He thinks he is quite possibly a double black belt, undercover of course.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another Fun Experiment!

Well, 2009 is officially underway now and Christmas is old news so it's back to school we go. I have to say that although Christmas break was very fun and rewarding, we all were glad to get down to the business of school. We had a great first day. All the kids buckled right down and got to work. What a way to start off a new year! This riveting experiment I'm going to show you was officially performed in 2007, but I got kind of wrapped up in chatting about the holidays and, frankly, forgot about it. I found the video tucked away in a folder somewhere in the depths of the computer files (Don't ask me to find it're lucky I located it once.) and decided to share it with you. Be aware that I'm not really as smart as this experiment makes me look. I just got lucky that it worked properly. Believe you me, I was just as surprised as the kids when it actually turned out the way the book said it should.

So what are you actually seeing here? Well, from the looks of it, a chemical reaction. Luke mixed some acid with water then capped the jar to allow the subsequent gas to build up. He then lit a match and used it to light the end of a toothpick. Once the toothpick was burning well, he blew it out then held it over the jar. WOW!! Did you see the toothpick BURST into flame?? I did too!! We did it over and over again until the chemical reaction had worn itself out and no more gas was being created.

Of course, if this impresses you greatly and you wish to think that I am incredibly brilliant and capable, by all means, go right ahead.
Last time we visited I emoted about what a wonderful Christmas gift I received this year. I wanted to share a couple (or maybe a couple more than a couple) of pictures I have taken with my new camera. I am learning so much about photography every day! Sometimes I get good pictures and then again, I delete an awful lot. I am trying out different kinds of photography to see what I really like to do. It's all very exciting, I know that much! Thank you for indulging me as I share my excitement with you!

Aren't All Those Boys even better looking when you can see them upclose and personal? I certainly think so!