Hello, Loyal Readers! I am truly back this time. I know there was that fake post that somehow made it onto the 'Blog several days ago saying that my return was imminent, but this is the real deal. To prove it, I've got the first of several posts for you to enjoy as I try to redeem myself for this rude hiatus.
So the big question is what exactly have we been doing while we weren't blogging? Well, taking lots of pictures, for one thing. And having pictures taken of us taking pictures.
Another fun thing we've just wrapped up is Vacation Bible School 2009. It was wonderful and exciting and awesome and fantastic! The weather was insanely hot but, happily, the Lord kept the AC working just fine so the inside was nice and cool.
I have to offer a disclaimer right off the bat. In the pictures to come, you'll notice a vast majority are of Chip. There are two reasons for this, both of which are beyond my control. Number 1, Chip is touching me, just finished touching me, or about to touch me at all times. Therefore, when I point my camera, it tends to fall upon him. Second, the other kids have reached the point of maturation where they will not allow a documentary crew to follow them around, recording their every move. And Heaven help us all, if something unapproved should show up on the 'Blog. So I get what I get and it tends to be Chip. No offense to the other kidlets is intended in any way.
Now on to the magic of VBS. Tyler and some friends carried the flags and Bible at the beginning of our first day. They were so excited to help out!
And what does any red-blooded American do when presented with our great country's flag? Pledge allegiance to it, of course!
Speaking of helping out, Luke worked in recreation this year and had a great time. Since it was so hot, they only played outside once, but I think Luke just about melted! Here is the recreation crew. Nick wasn't able to be there very much this year due to football conditioning, but I bet he missed us!
Here Chip shows us the proper form for scooter use. He's certified in this activity.
A big part of VBS is the great crafts the kids get to make every year! One day they painted a picture frame any way they wanted! We even took a sweet picture to memorialize their year at VBS. The camping setup was just too cute.
The frames all turned out really neat. Tyler's is decorated like an American flag and I already have it installed in a prime spot in the basement. Here's his all finished. Very, very cute!
Chip even got to decorate a frame. Here we have the virgin material given to the artist....
and the final masterpiece.
Another day was devoted to decorating a bandanna to your liking. Tyler really enjoyed making his just right!
The most popular craft of all is the stepping stone. We try to make these every few years and always plan for lots of extras because all the adults like to make them too! This year, Sandy brought Colter in to make his very first stepping stone. He thought the pretty shells used to decorate the stones were just delicious! But he turned out a beautiful product. Shhh! Don't tell! It's a surprise for his Mommy and Daddy!
Chip made his too and was EVER so proud of his work! We will proudly display this beauty in our garden.
There were lots of other things going on all week as well, like super lessons full of Bible truths, bouncy songs to sing, and snacks which are always appreciated. It was a really nice week of fun and I'm so glad I could be a part of it.