Saturday, September 19, 2009

So What's So Great About 'D'?

Chip and I have begun attending Storytime each week at the library. This kind of thing was very difficult for me to handle when we were homeschooling because the lessons took soooo darrrrnnnn looonnngggg. The thought of interrupting a day of school to allow Chip the privilege of hearing a sweet, gentle story, producing a craft or two, then enjoying a light snack was simply unthinkable. Heck no! We had to make PROGRESS! But now progress is measured in a slightly different fashion, and Storytime is just perfect for us.

Here is Chip on his carefully chosen carpet square just waiting for the show to begin.

This day was all about 'D' so each child got to place a 'd'inosaur on the flannelgraph...just so.

The best time of all involves GLUE STICKS! Can I get an Amen??

My very own little 'd'og complete with spotted ears!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Last week we hosted a special bonfire for the teens from the church. Our beloved youth pastor, Heather, is leaving, and the void she leaves is huge. Kids and adults alike already miss her so much. The party was fun and very beneficial. Everyone spent one last evening with Heather, shed some tears, then began the healing process. Like it or not, this is how God's world works. People come into your life...then sometimes have to leave. But they only leave physically. Heather and Erick will always be in our hearts.

Nick and Tim really know how to 'work it' in front of the lens, don't they?

Heather performs her last official duty for WBC, s'more ingredient guardian.

A raw s'more is a good s'more.

A rather rousing game of football ensued. Thank goodness no one's neck ended up broken!
What a downer that would have been.
Chip wasn't invited to play football, but he had fun anyway.

The Thomasson family sure will miss Heather and Erick. We can't wait to see them again!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Own Personal Eagle!

As most of you know, Nick is playing football this year. Imagine how excited I was when I arrived to pick him up from practice and he walked, scratch that, STRUTTED to the car wearing this!

Now if that's not a sight to behold, I sure don't know what is! GO EAGLES!!

This week our family suffered a major loss. It was completely unexpected and quite painful. I'm sure most of you have been there and can relate. Yes, our beloved computer bit the dust. In a big, big the tune of a fried motherboard. Ouch. Nothing worse than a fried motherboard. Now I wasn't completely cut off from all civilization. I did have my darling little phone to keep my company, not to mention our substandard laptop. But nothing like what I was mourning.

Well, look what the cat dragged in! It's Mr. Tim, bearing my new plaything. All set up and ready to go, it's a sight to behold. Now I can get caught up on the Blog. I'm sure you've been very lonely without me!