Today I offer for your viewing pleasure an oldie but a goody. This was taken when it was so stinkin' hot outside it was hardly tolerable. You know, when it feels like you're breathing through a sponge because it's so humid? One of those day. But I've figured out a couple of things over the years. One of those things is the fact that FOUR YEAR OLDS DO NOT CARE IF THEIR MOM IS HAVING A HEATSTROKE. Not even a little bit!
So on this blistering hot day, I got a brief chuckle out of what happened to Chip's hair when he went down the slide. I only did it for a moment though...because it made me hotter.
And today I get a second chuckle from this photo because as I post this cute shot of Chip on a 100 degree day, I'm sitting in my house listening to the wind howl outside on a 15 degree evening. Why, oh why, can't we have something in the middle??