Chip has recently discovered the pleasures of fishing. He wants to go every single evening and usually does. Our pond is great for a little boy to fish in because it is so overstocked with fish that they are practically climbing right up on the bank to get out. Each time a hook is thrown into the water, a little fish clamps onto it and is yanked from the teeming masses.
Here is Chip waiting patiently for a nibble. He is still having a bit of trouble remembering exactly what the bobber is for and what he's supposed to watch for it to do. Like, perhaps, to sink thus notifying him of the presence of a fish hankering to be caught. (Note: Yes, I notice the absolute nightmare that is the outfit Chip is wearing. Please do not fear; this is all for research and will be covered in a later post right here on the friendly Blog.)
Success!! A fish, live at that, is pulled from the murky depths!!
It is one thing to catch a fish at the end of an impersonal pole; quite another to come face to face with such a creature.
But when it's all said and done, there is nothing like showing off your proud accomplishment with your dad. Good job, Chip!