Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Faces for Radio

When it's time to say MERRY CHRISTMAS, radio folks know how to do it best. ;o)

Look at my wonderful boy on the right! I'm a proud Mama indeed.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Big 4-0

Earlier this fall, a momentous occasion occurred. A certain person somehow turned an age that seems unbelievable...I'm talking about me turning 40. While I'm not at all concerned about getting older, I must admit that the number '40' seems like it must belong to someone else, not me. There can be no way that I've been alive 40 years! Why, that would mean that my life is either close to or more than HALF WAY OVER. Now, I know that's a very 'glass half empty' type of attitude, and I don't usually roll that way. It does make me stop and think about how I'm living my life though. Considering I only get one time around in this wonderful life, is this the way I want it to be? After careful thought, I decided that YES, my life is exactly the way I love it! That said, now onto the important thing: HOW DID WE CELEBRATE??

Well...it looks as though I have a very 'good' friend who made it her role to announce this special day to the world at large. Or at least the traffic on 1061. :o)

Mr. Tim and All Those Boys showered me with most excellent presents.

My favorite coffee....


An AWESOME bag just made for my darling camera....

And a DELICIOUS cake all decked out in black frosting.

The first 40 years of my life have been pretty darn great. I'm looking forward to the next 40 just knocking my socks off!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fall Splendor

It is so hard for me to believe that nearly four months have passed since I last sat down and updated the Blog. I think that sometimes daily life gets 'in the way', doesn't it? There are so many things that have to be done and dealt with...it's amazing I'm not pencil slim! Be that as it may, today is Thanksgiving and I have so very much to be thankful for! And that's what this Blog is all about, isn't it? All the things I love so much. It seems fitting to return to the Blogging world on Thanksgiving Day. So welcome back to The Thomasson Times. Let's begin where we left off, shall we......

I believe the last time we visited was in early August. Let's kick off this reunion with Tyler's All-Star Baseball Team. That's right! Tyler was invited to play with the Red Sox this summer. He enjoyed himself very much! This level of play was very different from what he is used to, but he handled himself well.

And who could resist pants that cute??

The team had an excellent coach!!

While we're on the subject of Tyler's sports, he had a great soccer season as well. He hadn't played soccer since he was a wee little tyke, but he really wanted to play this year. Turns out, he's a natural!

He got a nice medal for finishing up a stellar season. I bet we see more of Tyler 'David Beckham' Thomasson on the soccer field!