Monday, July 2, 2012

Worlds of FUN!

Well, not long ago, we got ourselves a wild hair and decided to take All Those Boys to Worlds of Fun.  You see, it had been literally years since we'd been.  Poor Tyler had never been and that is Just Wrong.  So we spent practically enough money to feed Ethiopia for two months on tickets and headed up the road to, by golly, have fun...not just any kind of fun, but WORLDS of fun.  
Here you can see 75% of the boys all loaded up and ready to go.
Where is Luke, you may ask?
SHOTGUN!  When do I ever get to ride in the front of my own vehicle? Very little.
So all the kidlets are loaded up and ready to roll. Upon arrival, we had to take a picture because this mom knew, as only moms can know, that this would be the one and only single solitary picture I would get of Luke or Nick for sure and for certain.  Tyler?  Maybe if I were to threaten his life, but that's so awkward with all those strangers around recording any abuse on their iphones.  So I knew going in that I'd have to take what I could get.
Casual, candid, nothing special...but I like it.
So that was probably the only pixels I'd get of the older boys, but Chip was another story.  At first, he was very annoyed that he wouldn't be allowed to jump right on the Mamba and would have to settle for the Snoopy cars, but pretty soon he found himself having fun!
He rode on everything in sight!

Rest assured that just because I don't have photographic evidence of the other kids' fun, they did in fact have a blast.  We all emerged unscathed and traveled home tired and ready to relax from our big day.  

It truly was an awesome day with WORLDS OF FUN for all of us!