It has been brought to my attention that people are hungry. Starving. Ravenous. And what are they craving? Simple. Cheesecake. That's right, cheesecake. But not just any cheesecake. Only my secret recipe homemade cheesecake will do. Apparently, there has been a request from my massive reading audience for CHEESECAKE ORDER FORMS here on the 'Blog. Well, your wish is my command, O Audience. Ordering a cheesecake is easy to do. See the comment option? Utilize it. Often. Then sit back and enjoy the sweet indulgence that can only be cheesecake. ;o)
That should be on the front of a cookbook! Makes me need phentermine just looking at it!
I'd like to order a small Peanut Butter Cup cheesecake whenever it works out best. No rush! I'm sure Tim would be glad to deliver it.
P.S. Thanks for the order form!!!
Paul K.
Well, it's 4:40 and I'm about the leave work - with only 3/4 of a cheesecake :(
I made the mistake of telling my co-workers that I had it and ended up "sharing". It's earned my some brownie points with the boss if nothing else!!!
Thanks again for a job well done!
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