Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Chip!

Our most recent birthday to celebrate was Chip's. He turned 3 on November 18. What a special guy!

Grandma and Grandma Pa (Chip's version of 'Grandpa') came over one evening to celebrate his birthday with us. They brought him this cool basketball goal!

As you can see, he knows what to do when a basketball is placed in his hands. (Note the basket! :o) )

I really like this picture of All Those Boys with Grandma and Grandma Pa!

Happy Birthday, Chip! Our family would most definitely NOT be complete without you!! We love you so much!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Well, after months of praying and negotiating with the weatherman, Chip got his fondest wish: SNOW. You see, the only item on his birthday list was a sled. So, dutifully, I found him a wonderful sled, then settled back to wait on the magical flakes to appear. And appear they did, at least a few of them. The only problem is they arrived with terrible gale force winds and negative wind child indices. Chip was not to be deterred, however, and outside we went.

Note that sleds truly need a little more snow to perform as they should.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I really like this picture of my two sisters and me. We women never want our picture taken, do we? But I'm so glad we had this taken because I will treasure it forever!

Tyler Turns Ten!

This is a big year for Tyler. He is now into the double digits. He's reached the decade mark. In other words, he's now ten years old. It's unbelievable that's he's that old!

We're so proud of him! He's a very good boy with a kind heart. He's a diligent student who tries his best every day.
He wanted a pogo stick SOOO bad!! it is!

He seemed to have a bouncing kinda theme going on as he also got cool MOON SHOES!

We love you, Tyler! Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Isn't this a sweet picture of Chip and his cousin Colter? They were walking around the yard and I happened to snap this adorable photo. Many times I miss the good shot, but this time got lucky!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Mysterious Case of the Five Minute Snow Storm

Remember the snow we had as a kid? The kind where you walked level with the tops of fence posts? And actually had enough snow to make a big enough snowman to support a full size carrot nose? Well, it just seems like we don't get that kind of snow anymore. I really think that's a shame and wish my kids could experience a good old blizzard once or twice. Let me just say, though, that catching snowflakes on your tongue doesn't require a foot of snow. It doesn't even matter if it melts as soon as it hits the ground. There's no way around it...that snowflake tastes good! Chip found that out this month when we had a few flakes drift to the ground. What fun!!

Check out that dangerously pointed tongue. It could do some serious damage to any snowflake dumb enough to get close!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hard Workin' Man

Luke has been working at KOFO Radio since the beginning of September. He works every Friday night and some weekends, running the board for area football game broadcasts. This means that he makes sure all the commercials run at the proper time and that the sports announcer knows when to talk and when to hush up. He caught on to his new responsibilities very quickly and does a fabulous job. We are so proud of him for how hard he has worked this fall! Who knows? He may fall in love with radio and have a life-long career in the making.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nick!!

Now you all know what I'm going to say, don't you? Sure you do, just look at the title of this post. It says 'Happy Birthday, Nick!' so now I'm obligated to emote about how fast time flies and how can it be possible that he's another year older and on and on. It might be predictable but it's also maddeningly true. This year passed even faster than the last one, I believe. Be that as it may, Nick is truly a delight to have around, no matter his age. He is a wonderful kid who lights up any room he's in. (Sounds kinda like his mom, huh? ;o) Well, maybe not.) Tim and I couldn't be prouder of our 14 year old young man. Happy Birthday, Nick! We love you!

I couldn't wait to share the very first ever-to-be- seen picture of Luke in his basketball jersey!

Basketball practice started this week and can best be termed 'grueling.' He's hanging in there, though, and will reap the benefit of all that work when games start soon.

We couldn't be more proud of our very own Wellsville High School EAGLE!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We only had two kidlets dress up for Halloween this year. We all went trick or treating, but Luke and Nick were just along for moral support. I'm sure they'll find their hands into Tyler's or Chip's loot at some point, but that's another story.

Tyler chose to be a zealous KU fan. Of course, he chickened out on the full-fledged face paint at the last moment, so I guess he's just a so-so KU fan. Which is fine with me. Chip was a clown, complete with smudged red nose and frizzed out rainbow hair. They both got lots of candy. First thing I need to do is sort it all out and make sure none needs to be eaten by me to be sure it's safe. After all, that's a parent's job. I'm just thinking about their well-being, after all.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Life of Luxury

Looks to me like Chip is adjusting pretty well to being the only one at home. Don'tcha think?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Football Parent Night

A couple of weeks ago the Wellsville Eagles celebrated Parent Night at a football game. At this fun event, the proud parents join their proud son in the middle of the football field and have their proud names anounced. Everyone is very proud, you see. Tim was out of town that evening so I was all braced to be doubly proud of Nick, to make up for his missing parent. Well, this was going to be a very exciting event, let me assure, until I realized that I had no (not even one!) piece of Wellsville Eagle apparel to wear. All of a sudden, I began to have un-good visions of all the other (proud!) mothers simply glowing in crimson and blue...and me wearing something all wrong. That doesn't sound very proud, now does it? The biggest problem of all is that I thought of this at about 4 p.m. that day...when we were due to be proud at 5. Hmmm...well, after a flurried visit to the drugstore to buy a seriously overpriced sweatshirt so I, too, could sport our proud colors, I arrived, breathless, at the game. You'll never guess my surprise when Nick himself met me on the path, carrying his extra jersey and said, "Here, Mom, put this on!" Apparently, mom's wear their beloved son's extra jersey to these proud happenings. Well, I never. All that nervousness for naught. So, per tradition, I stuffed myself into the jersey and assumed my proud position next to Nick. Go, EAGLES!

Sitting at the computer this evening, I lazily clicked on The Thomasson Times to see what's happenin' in the land of All Those Boys. What a SHOCK I got when I saw that there had been no updates for an entire month! That's simply unacceptable. Especially when you think of all the blog worthy things that go on around here. I was angered and confused by this and about to shoot a mean letter off to the person responsible for this outrage...until I realized that person was ME. Well, that puts a different spin on things, doesn't it? In that case, the only thing to do is to get busy. Here I go....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

So What's So Great About 'D'?

Chip and I have begun attending Storytime each week at the library. This kind of thing was very difficult for me to handle when we were homeschooling because the lessons took soooo darrrrnnnn looonnngggg. The thought of interrupting a day of school to allow Chip the privilege of hearing a sweet, gentle story, producing a craft or two, then enjoying a light snack was simply unthinkable. Heck no! We had to make PROGRESS! But now progress is measured in a slightly different fashion, and Storytime is just perfect for us.

Here is Chip on his carefully chosen carpet square just waiting for the show to begin.

This day was all about 'D' so each child got to place a 'd'inosaur on the flannelgraph...just so.

The best time of all involves GLUE STICKS! Can I get an Amen??

My very own little 'd'og complete with spotted ears!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Last week we hosted a special bonfire for the teens from the church. Our beloved youth pastor, Heather, is leaving, and the void she leaves is huge. Kids and adults alike already miss her so much. The party was fun and very beneficial. Everyone spent one last evening with Heather, shed some tears, then began the healing process. Like it or not, this is how God's world works. People come into your life...then sometimes have to leave. But they only leave physically. Heather and Erick will always be in our hearts.

Nick and Tim really know how to 'work it' in front of the lens, don't they?

Heather performs her last official duty for WBC, s'more ingredient guardian.

A raw s'more is a good s'more.

A rather rousing game of football ensued. Thank goodness no one's neck ended up broken!
What a downer that would have been.
Chip wasn't invited to play football, but he had fun anyway.

The Thomasson family sure will miss Heather and Erick. We can't wait to see them again!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Own Personal Eagle!

As most of you know, Nick is playing football this year. Imagine how excited I was when I arrived to pick him up from practice and he walked, scratch that, STRUTTED to the car wearing this!

Now if that's not a sight to behold, I sure don't know what is! GO EAGLES!!

This week our family suffered a major loss. It was completely unexpected and quite painful. I'm sure most of you have been there and can relate. Yes, our beloved computer bit the dust. In a big, big the tune of a fried motherboard. Ouch. Nothing worse than a fried motherboard. Now I wasn't completely cut off from all civilization. I did have my darling little phone to keep my company, not to mention our substandard laptop. But nothing like what I was mourning.

Well, look what the cat dragged in! It's Mr. Tim, bearing my new plaything. All set up and ready to go, it's a sight to behold. Now I can get caught up on the Blog. I'm sure you've been very lonely without me!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today we spent some time at a local park. I brought my camera, determined to get some new pictures of All Those Boys. I expected to get a few keepers, but to my surprise, they all ended up really good! Now I've been studying photography long enough to know how rare that is: the moon must have been in the same house as some planet or something. I'm not complaining though! I'm thrilled!

Luke at 15. He's growing up so fast.

Nick at 13. What a handsome young man!

Tyler at 9. Poor Tyler was very sick last week. I'm so glad he's feeling better!

And here's Chip at 2. He certainly knows what to do when a camera is pointed at him.

I completely expected today to be a rotten day. We were kicked out of our house for yet another open house. But I was wrong! I'm excited to have a bunch of new family pictures! Thank goodness for my trusty tripod. ;o)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day Of School

Mid-August brings with it the beginning of a new school year. In past years, that simply meant that we started spending copious amounts of time in the basement together as we picked up a new year's worth of homeschooling curriculum and got busy. For Tyler and Chip, that is still true. On Monday, we'll get down to the business of 4th grade and preschool. But for Luke and Nick, this year was very different. They returned to Wellsville Schools after being gone for five years. Both boys are very excited about this big change; Tim and I are comfortable with the decision, so all is good.

Here is Luke and Nick on their very first day of school! Aren't they cute? But not TOO cute, you hear me, little high/middle school girls!? Cute like in a mom kind of way.

We are not used to getting out and about so early in the a.m. While Luke and Nick are bright eyed and bushy tailed, Chip sums it all up quite well in this picture.

And these pictures show how they looked when I picked them up at the end of the day. I think we can easily tell how pleased they are with the whole big adventure. I sure will miss having these boys around all day, but am enjoying watching them grow up into such nice young men.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What a Corny Post!

Summertime just isn't summertime without corn on the cob, and that's a fact. We can't seem to grow corn in our garden so, recession or not, we are forced to buy it from people who have better gardening skills. It is one of our very favorite things to eat in the summer and long gone well before we are tired of it. Here, Chip shows you the perfect corn buttering technique.

And what good does all that drippy, yellow goodness do without a liberal sprinkling of salt?

Now that's the only thing we're liberal about in this house, mind you.

Finally, when it's done just so, there's nothing better than stretching out on your mom's bed to watch a little Barney and enjoy your summertime meal. Ahhh, life is good!

Cracking The Code

As you all well know, 50% of All Those Boys will be starting a new adventure in education this fall. That's correct, Luke and Nick will be attending Wellsville High School and Wellsville Middle School, respectively. They are excited. No, scratch that...they are EXCITED!!!!!! Today Nick and I stepped into the hallowed halls of the middle school to find his locker. He approached it with reverent wonder in his eyes. He soon mastered the art of opening said locker.

Let me assure you, these pictures do not fully capture the glow of delight on his face!

Tim and I are so pleased to see their enthusiasm. We've all enjoyed our time homeschooling together. Now we take joy in watching them begin to spread their wings just a bit.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nothing says Summer quite like a visit to Grandma's house...unless that visit happens to include a roaring bonfire and all the fixin's for a good old hot dog roast.
Now while it is true that I don't eat hot dogs under any circumstances (and I do mean ANY), it is certainly not true that I shun festive occasions where hot dogs are likely to be served. Nay, I am quite happy to slather my empty bun with ketchup and eat it with relish. (Get it? Relish? HAHA)

Anyway, All Those Boys do not have the same hot dog hangups that I do, so this was doubly exciting. Grandpa had a raging inferno going so cooking the hot dogs was a breeze. Everyone had their own sharp, dangerous, pointy stick to use.
Once those dogs were truly hot, it was time to eat! Yummy!

But, as everyone knows, the best part of the meal comes last, namely dessert. Well, what does one eat for dessert at a bonfire?? That's right! Roasted marshmallows!

This picture is a really good image of what it means to be two years old: See the 'ME DO!' look on his face and the tug-of-war going on over the dangerous weapon/marshmallow roasting device?

But at the end of the day, a toasted marshmallow sure is a sweet finish.