Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Mysterious Case of the Five Minute Snow Storm

Remember the snow we had as a kid? The kind where you walked level with the tops of fence posts? And actually had enough snow to make a big enough snowman to support a full size carrot nose? Well, it just seems like we don't get that kind of snow anymore. I really think that's a shame and wish my kids could experience a good old blizzard once or twice. Let me just say, though, that catching snowflakes on your tongue doesn't require a foot of snow. It doesn't even matter if it melts as soon as it hits the ground. There's no way around it...that snowflake tastes good! Chip found that out this month when we had a few flakes drift to the ground. What fun!!

Check out that dangerously pointed tongue. It could do some serious damage to any snowflake dumb enough to get close!

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