Monday, May 21, 2012

One day we got a wild hair and decided to load up as many kids as we could fit in the Big Ride and take them on an outing.
These are the darling children chosen: Hank, Chip, Anthony and Ty.  We strapped them down and set off for the bowling alley! 
Tyler proved to be quite a bowler.  Of course, everything Tyler tries he turns out to be good at, so such is life. Weirdo.  I'm kidding! Note how he makes even those awful shoes look so darn cute!
Here are the two who were SO excited they could hardly contain themselves!  
And here we have those who are maybe not quite as excited.
No matter...Chip and Hank very thoughtfully sized up the situation before planning their mode of attack.
Looks like maybe some equipment is in order.
Must've been a good one!  What a fun day we had!  The boys were good as gold and really enjoyed bowling.  I think we may have to wander up that way again soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Academic Awards Banquet 2012

The end of school brings with it certain ceremonies honoring students for their hard work over the year.  The Academic Awards Banquet is always such fun!  Who doesn't love seeing your kid stand on the stage, looking precious, while nice things are being said about him?  I'm in!  Luke was recognized for his work as a Mentor.  Mentors work with incoming Freshmen and help them to become familiar with high school.  See how helpful and Mentor-like Luke looks?  If I were a Freshman, I would feel much relieved knowing Luke had my back.
 Nick was inducted into the National Honor Society that night.  He had to light his candle signifying his membership.
Note the carefully placed fire pager. Just. In. Case.

Nick then joined all the other inductees in pledging to behave in accordance with the NHS standards.  Do you suppose there is a National Honor Society police force that watches these kids?  That would sure help them to sleep at night, wouldn't it?
We enjoyed a great dinner and loved watching the boys be recognized! Good job, Luke and Nick!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Growing Like a Weed!

Spring means getting the garden off to a good start.  Plants need lots of water and sunshine.  We can't control the sunshine part of the equation, but we have a secret weapon when it comes to water.
Chip dons his rain jacket and boots, then takes to the garden to give each plant a good drink of water.  Let's hope he can keep up with this task during the hottest part of the summer!