Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well, here it is, 2009 and I'm just now getting around to sharing all about our wonderful Christmas Day. That's not because I think Christmas is unimportant or that we had a rotten time that is better left way back in the past. Those things couldn't be further from the truth. The fact is, I've simply been so busy playing with my fantastic Christmas gifts that I haven't had time to work on the 'Blog. That, and there is one other thing. You see, Tim and All Those Boys surprised me with a really nice gift this year. I got the Camera Of My Dreams. I was actually afraid to open it for a few minutes for fear that 1) I was dreaming or 2) they had gotten ahold of an empty camera box and put different things inside. And, you see, while I was expressing my excitement over my most excellent gift, Luke was videotaping. It has taken me quite some time to decide that I can actually tolerate this video being posted on the Internet. It is pretty embarrassing, to be frank. But I am nothing if not a good sport. So in the interest of the public's right to know, here is the previously-rumored-to-exist-but-never-substantiated Christmas video.

Now wasn't that fun? My dear husband and children certainly thought so! I'm not the only one who had a great Christmas. Everyone seemed to really enjoy their gifts. The day was spent playing with new games and gadgets. No one had an emotional breakdown. We watched a movie that evening and wrapped up a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

What A Wonderful Christmas It Was!

I have to say, the 2008 holiday season was just excellent. We enjoyed very much all the get- togethers with our families, the delicious once-a-year type foods we ate, the generous presents, everything! We started our festivities the Sunday before the Big Day.....

My (Donna's) family descended upon our house with all the boisterous frivolity for which we're so well known. We ate, drank eggnog and made very loud merry. Paula discovered some of her reindeer had somehow migrated to our house. (That'll teach her to move and leave stuff like that in her shed!) We celebrated Communion and read the Scripture as a family. (The Lucan account of Christ's birth, no less.) And we listened to Sandy read a very moving Christmas story. Of course, there were presents! Lots of presents! Everyone loved what they got, but best of all was being together. We missed those who couldn't be here, certainly, but we were so glad for those who could be.

Then on Christmas Eve, Tim's family came over to celebrate. This was a very special time because every single member of the family was here. I can't think of the last time we were all together...nor when we will be again. We had several different kinds of soup along with sandwiches and LOTS of deliciously divine desserts. Indeed. We also shared Communion as a family, and it was beautiful.

We are all very thankful for our families and so glad we got to spend some time with everyone at Christmas! Merry Christmas! We love you!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chip's Big Non-Sledding Adventure

I feel it is my responsibility to update you on previously run stories here on the 'Blog. After all, Dr. Phil and Oprah do the same thing on special shows several times per year. You'll recall that all the boys really enjoyed the rogue snowstorm last week and had a good time sledding. Well, apparently not everyone in the family realizes that snow or ice is required for successful sledding. Roll tape, please. Let's take a look.

I think the funniest part of the whole thing is the look of pure astonishment on Chip's face when he doesn't go anywhere. Let's hope we get some more winter weather soon so the sledding can recommence.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What a wonderful surprise last week when we received a couple inches of snow! Of course we also received freakishly cold temperatures and biting winds, but when snow is involved and you're in the youth/child department, you've got to make hay while the sun shines. In other words, you bundle up in as many layers as you possibly can, then hit the slopes. Unless you live on a piece of property with no real slopes. Then you slowly inch down the gentle incline in the backyard.

The kids made some pretty nice ramps during this snowfest. They actually got some air at some points.

One thing I'll say is that playing in the arctic like that sure does wear a fella out. Not to mention making double the laundry for the Mom.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today I, along with three other adults, had the privilege of escorting 13 fine young Awana kids on a shopping trip. So? What's so special about shopping? We all do it. Especially this time of year! Well, it was special because they weren't buying things for themselves or their families or even their friends. They were buying very carefully selected items for complete strangers: children who might not get Christmas presents otherwise.

Each year, in early November, our Awana group prepares for, serves then cleans up a delicious baked potato dinner. Everyone comes, enjoys a great meal and fellowship, and if they would like, makes a free-will donation. All proceeds go towards adopting 'Angels' from the Salvation Army Angel Tree Project. This year we had enough money to buy presents for six kids.

Preparations for the Potato Bake: Here we see some hard-working kids cleaning vegetables and tearing lettuce for salad. Yes, they all washed their hands.

See the hungry people lining up? It was really tasty, as usual! We had ice cream sundaes for dessert. It took a whole lot of scooping to serve everyone!

So this brings us to today. We left right after church and headed for Taco Bell. Besides being obscenely slow, we enjoyed lunch. Then, off to the stores. To be honest, I would have loved to have followed the groups around while they were shopping and snapped pictures of them making their choices. However, I do have three kids in the mix and I knew that wouldn't go over well at all. Suffice to say, I was quite proud of each and every kid at how much thought and discussion they put into each item they chose. Never has an envelope of money been more cautiously spent. They each wanted their 'Angel' to have the best Christmas ever. They carefully considered whether one jacket would be warmer than another. They debated over whether to get the blue shirt or the brown one. And they certainly didn't forget the batteries! At no time during the entire day did I see them think of themselves. I am so glad I was able to go and see the love of Jesus so plainly through them. So, while I don't have very many pictures of our trip to show you, it was a very beautiful thing to see.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Christmas program at church was last Sunday evening. The whole night was just fantastic! Dinner was first so Tim, Tyler, Chip and I were comfortably seated and waited on hand and foot by the teens. As it should be, I like to say.
Nick loves it when I take pictures of him in front of his friends.
After dinner, we retired to the sanctuary for the actual program. It was so beautiful! The older boys sang with their Sunday School classes. And, just for you, I have included a video of each group singing. It's just like you were there, except you were home! WOW! There is nothing you can't do on the Internet.
Tyler and his class singing 'Silent Night.'

Below, is a picture and video of Luke and Nick singing a lovely Christmas carol with their Sunday School group. They are getting so big! It shocks me when I see things like this because it seems to me that they should still be little bitty.