Saturday, January 30, 2010

Merry Month Past Christmas

I can't believe it, but I neglected to publish any pictures from Christmas 2009. That's just unacceptable, and I imagine you're all talking bad about me behind my back. Well, I'll put a stop to that right here and now.

The early morning pictures are dark and grainy because it's early morning and it was dark and grainy looking, of course. When else does one get early, dark and grainy pictures, after all? But I like them because you can see how sleepy Chip is, yet so excited about his presents.

Obviously, the older ones would NOT allow pictures to be taken of them in the early morn, so there is no record of them celebrating Christmas with us. Besides the large receipts, that is.

Tyler played Santa Claus for us and handed out all the presents!

Later that day, Grandma and Grandma Pa (according to Chip), Suzy, Scott and family made it over to enjoy some Christmas cheer. They only got to stay a little bit because there was a blizzard brewing outside, but it was fun nonetheless.

I can't get over how big the grandkids are getting!

The stormy, blizzardy weather kept us from celebrating with my side of the family. But never fear! We'll make up for it next year. Merry Christmas!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sharp Shooter

Tyler is playing basketball this year and is doing very well. He seems to be a natural. It's really fun to watch him streak up and down the court with his team and SWOOSH! Two more points!

Each week during half time of his games, two boys compete to see which one can shoot more free throws. They each get ten shots and the one with the most successful baskets wins.

Imagine our glee when Tyler won the free throw contest last weekend! He won a certificate for a free mini pizza. Guess what he had for dinner that night?

Good job, Tyler! We are proud of ALL of our Wellsville Eagles!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I know Christmas and the holidays are far behind us now, (and I'm every bit as glad as the next guy) but I know you'll want to hear all about this. So, practically spring or not, I want to catch you up on something really neat we did last year. Each year the Awana kids hold a baked potato fundraiser. It's a big hit at our church, very highly anticipated. They do everything: chopping veggies, scrubbing potatoes, serving drinks, cleaning up. It's a well oiled machine, it is. The money raised goes to adopt 'angels' from the Angel Tree Project. This means that we split up the money raised, choose needy children and buy Christmas presents for them. It's a LOT of fun...but pretty serious too. It is probably the sweetest thing you'll ever see, these kids who have plenty, choosing ever so carefully just the right gift for a child they may never know. We make sure each kidlet has a hat and gloves, plus socks and a brand new Bible. Beyond that, the Awana kids may have a couple of 'wish list' items provided with the child's profile, then they're on their own. This is my second year to be privileged to go shopping with the group, and I was every bit as impressed this year. It was an absolutely awesome day!!

This is our entire group of shoppers. They definitely earned the right to go shopping with how hard they worked at the Potato Bake!

The kids got to choose their 'shopping buddy'. No big surprises here. :o)

Or here. :o)

Dear Leslie actually VOLUNTEERED to go with this group. She is a SAINT, agreed? I'm just teasin'...these boys were absolutely perfect.

And, of course, this group was a given, right?

We had so much fun that day! I had lots of adult helpers along who kept everything moving smoothly as well. Thanks to all of them! It was a real blessing to take part in this project once again.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Chip and I are now attending Sunday School each week. It's actually Chip's class, but he's still pretty nervous about me leaving so I hang out. We have a deal. He participates in the activities, and I write thank you notes or catch up on other various and sundry paperwork. Pretty soon, The Day will come and I will leave him there. Alone. With all those little girls and tall teachers. Shiver!! I'm sure this will be accompanied by loud wails of protest, but he will see that all is well.

He really enjoys singing and coloring! Every week he is very proud to bring home papers to show everyone. It's hard to believe, but he's a big boy now!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today's picture word is 'wisp'. I had alot of assistance from Chip in getting this shot. He blew out about 75 matches so I could get the resulting wisp of smoke. He didn't mind at all. Of course, I had to sing Happy Birthday to him each and every time. I figure I'm caught up singing Happy Birthday til he's about 80. :o)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Juke Box Hero

One of the favorite presents under the tree this year was Rock Band. We've had Guitar Hero for a while and all the boys enjoy it alot. This is even more fun, though, as it includes not only a guitar, but a drum set and a microphone. Then, each participant plays his best and hopes to keep up with the game.

Tyler really likes to sing. He gets into the music. Alot.

And Chip likes the drums. That may be because he can't read the words on the screen.

Or it could be, judging from the look on his face, that he's simply found his calling. Rock on.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I can't believe how fast time flies. I am sure you get very weary of hearing that sentiment so often, but that doesn't change its truth.

This year brings with it yet another BIG change for our household. Like we haven't had enough changes recently. This is a good one though: Luke and Nick are both playing basketball! Their games will start next week. We all couldn't be more excited!

Here is Nick in his awesome game shirt. I'll definitely be cheering the Eagles on all season long!

Movie Night With Mom!

I have ALOT of catching up to do here on the Blog. I feel so bad that you've been so in the dark about all of the terribly fun things we've been doing. Well, fear not! Because I intend to overload you with experiences not to be missed.

The other night we did something very different. Usually Dad takes the older boys out to do fun things, and I stay home with Chip and prepare delicious delicacies. But this last week, I got out of the house with 75% of All Those Boys!

We went to the MOVIES!! It was very fun and exciting! We ate way too much popcorn and enjoyed our film a great deal. Best of all though (at least to me) was spending time with the neatest boys ever!

For Your Viewing Pleasure.....

I give you 'Plaid.'

Not technically a complicated shot, but very plaid.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's Try Something New!

Last year, I took part in a Photo A Day challenge, at least for a time. I think these sorts of projects can be very good for a person who loves photography as it really forces you to 'think outside the box.' I think I'll start that up again and post my findings here on the Blog. I'm hoping this makes me more likely to keep up with it!

There are two types of PAD has assigned words; the other is simply any photo you take. I'm going to go with the first least initially.

Today's word I'm supposed to convey is 'bright.' I couldn't think of many things (at least in my house!) much brighter than this bad boy.

Tomorrow's word is plaid...what was I thinking!?