Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well, here it is, 2009 and I'm just now getting around to sharing all about our wonderful Christmas Day. That's not because I think Christmas is unimportant or that we had a rotten time that is better left way back in the past. Those things couldn't be further from the truth. The fact is, I've simply been so busy playing with my fantastic Christmas gifts that I haven't had time to work on the 'Blog. That, and there is one other thing. You see, Tim and All Those Boys surprised me with a really nice gift this year. I got the Camera Of My Dreams. I was actually afraid to open it for a few minutes for fear that 1) I was dreaming or 2) they had gotten ahold of an empty camera box and put different things inside. And, you see, while I was expressing my excitement over my most excellent gift, Luke was videotaping. It has taken me quite some time to decide that I can actually tolerate this video being posted on the Internet. It is pretty embarrassing, to be frank. But I am nothing if not a good sport. So in the interest of the public's right to know, here is the previously-rumored-to-exist-but-never-substantiated Christmas video.

Now wasn't that fun? My dear husband and children certainly thought so! I'm not the only one who had a great Christmas. Everyone seemed to really enjoy their gifts. The day was spent playing with new games and gadgets. No one had an emotional breakdown. We watched a movie that evening and wrapped up a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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