Thursday, August 6, 2009

What a Corny Post!

Summertime just isn't summertime without corn on the cob, and that's a fact. We can't seem to grow corn in our garden so, recession or not, we are forced to buy it from people who have better gardening skills. It is one of our very favorite things to eat in the summer and long gone well before we are tired of it. Here, Chip shows you the perfect corn buttering technique.

And what good does all that drippy, yellow goodness do without a liberal sprinkling of salt?

Now that's the only thing we're liberal about in this house, mind you.

Finally, when it's done just so, there's nothing better than stretching out on your mom's bed to watch a little Barney and enjoy your summertime meal. Ahhh, life is good!

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