Thursday, December 2, 2010

Project 365....CHECK

Recently, I read on a friend's Blog that she is going to try to post one picture per day for a whole year. That's a pretty neat idea, to my way of thinking. First, I'm eager to see what she shares each day. Second, I have read about how good this sort of thing is for honing photography skills, which is always a plus. Last, I figure this is the perfect place to show things that I think are beautiful or at least important enough to photograph.

I think I'm going to be really flexible and not set many rules for myself to follow. When I get too rigid, I argue with myself and don't have time to fold the laundry, so this must be avoided at all costs.

Today's picture of a local church steeple says alot to me. The sky is cold and wintry, just like today. And it reminds me that, in this month of busy-ness and excitement, to not overlook the real reason we celebrate Christmas.
So here we go! My own personal Project 365 is underway! Stay tuned....

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