Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am so glad I'm a woman. I would hate to be expected to haul refrigerators and pianos around when someone decides to move. I'm much better suited to, say, holding the door open while large bags of groceries are transported into the house. Certainly not back breaking work of any form.
This is dirt. This is a big, big pile of dirt, to be precise.

A pile of dirt that had to be loaded, shovelful by shovelful, into the wheelbarrow then hefted across the yard...

To this area where it was dumped (quite capably by Tim),

And expertly smoothed (equally capably by Luke).

This process repeated itself all weekend. Whew! I need a glass of iced tea just reliving it through pictures.

And, like any job site, there was a supervisor. How come the super always gets the wheels?

I repeat, I am so glad I'm a woman!

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