Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Sunday we headed out to Grandma's to celebrate her birthday. I know, it may sound a little off to invade her home and expect a big dinner on her special day. But you must understand, she was frying chicken. She makes good fried chicken, so suddenly a birthday party at her pad sounded just right.

Plus, it snowed the day before so the boys were hoping to sled down her mammoth hill. As we all know, the more prepared you are, the more likelihood there is that things will go awry. That's mathematical fact. So, Tim and I packed enough winter gear for a trip to the Andes...and the snow had all melted by the time we got there. Sigh. But we still had fun. Chip is a determined sledder, snow or not. He reprised his snowless sledding routine but, alas, I am unable to find the video. Too was a good one.

Finally, it was time for birthday cake and ice cream. We had picked out cute candles that spelled out 'Happy Birthday.' Everyone enjoyed the cake and ice cream very much!

Late in the afternoon, we slowly loaded up all of our stuff and headed for home. It was a fun day for all of us. You can measure a day's worth by how quickly a little one falls asleep in the car. Chip was out practically before we left the driveway.

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