Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What's This I See?

I have to say that, unlike most people, I truly enjoy winter. I'm certainly not the sort to go out and play in the snow, ski, drive a dog sled or anything of that nature, but I do like long cold days with nowhere to go. And the occasional approaching blizzard is exciting to me too. The boys and I really enjoy stocking up on lamp oil and cooking extra food just in case this area is ever miraculously hit by THE BIG ONE like when I was a kid. Having said all that, this winter has been a bust. Scratch that, a BUST. It's been cold alright, but we've seen very, very little snow. Or ice. Or anything closely resembling the term 'wintry mix.' Each time the forecasters got on the track of a major winter storm, it ALWAYS went north. Or east. Anywhere but here. So this year, for me, winter has been a drag. I've recently been craving some color in my landscape. It seems like everything has been varying shades of brown for way too long. Well, a couple of days ago when it was really unseasonably warm, I ventured outside to look around. And what to my wondering eyes should appear??

A darling little blue flower with a tiny red admirer. I know this doesn't seem like much, but I was thrilled to see some signs of life! It gave me hope that before I know it, spring will have sprung.

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