Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I have joined a photography group with a 'Photo A Day' challenge. This means we have a different word for each day of the month and we're supposed to take a picture that shows that word. I've been doing this PAD challenge (that's lingo for 'Photo A Day', don't you know. Makes me feel smart to use acronyms like that.) for one month and thoroughly enjoy it. I decided to start sharing my pictures with you here on the 'Blog! Aren't you thrilled? So today we begin with April 1, 2009. The word of the day is 'Tree.' Here is my picture for that word.
Isn't that the cutest Easter tree you've ever seen?? I sure think so! Now that you're all excited about this fun challenge that we can enjoy together, check back tomorrow for my interpretation of 'Cycle.' Hmmm...must start thinking!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Just wanted to say that Dalton has the "My mom rules" shirt too! Well it's too small now but he wore it alot!