Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jennifer's Baby Shower

Having a baby is cause for a big celebration...especially when it's not yours. ;o) Joe and Jennifer are all set to welcome their first baby into the world and that means it's time for a par-tay.

We don't do anything half-way, so we started out early the day of the shower and met Paula, Angie and Carson for lunch. Everyone was super excited to see each other!

Chip loves Angie very much!

After lunch and chatting, we headed to Jennifer's house for the shower. Jennifer looked great and is so eager to get little Jack William here for her to hug and kiss!

Sandy had prepared a table with some of Joe's baby things. It's so hard to imagine when you look at his baby pictures that he's about to become a daddy.

We had a great day! Congratulations, Joe and Jennifer. We can't wait to meet your little boy.

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