Sunday, February 7, 2010

Luke's Big Boo Boo

The other day I got a phone call no mom wants to get. Yup, it was a coach telling me Luke had had an 'accident.' The rest of the call was sketchy as I began to grab my shoes and my extra phone battery so I could go pick him up. About all I heard was 'blood...lip...teeth...not sure...maybe a couple knocked out.' The last thing I wanted to hear was that some of his expensive, recently straightened teeth were no longer in his mouth! And blood?? Do you know what I paid for his basketball shoes?? Surely he'd had the sense to lean way over to avoid splashing his shoes. ;o)

Well, several hours later, he was patched up good as new. A couple teeth were loose, but they were all there at least. He got some stitches and a couple of shots to stave off any infection that had been lingering on the forehead he collided with. And, best of all, he got some serious bragging rights!

Here he is about to get stitched up. He was NOT amused at his mom whipping out a camera, of all things, to document this event. I'm teasing in this post, but I sure am glad he's okay! I love you, Luke!

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