Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Easter!! Better Late Than Never....

Hello, Lonely Blog Readers. I've decided to play catch up over the next few days! Prepare for inundation of the best kind.

So I bet you've all been wondering what we did for Easter. Well, I can barely remember it myself, but I feel certain we had fun!

We went over to Sandy's house the day before and had an Easter Egg hunt! Everyone had a great time. Chip and Colter really know how to hunt down those eggs. Brightly colored eggs with candy in them don't stand a chance around these two!

Jack and Jude don't get the whole 'hunt' mentality just yet. They just look cute and that's enough.

Tyler is the pro here, of course. It comes with age.

Sunday, we went to Grandma's. Here's a great picture of Grandma and Grandpa with most of the grandkids!

It was a beautiful weekend! Whew! I'm sure we all feel better now knowing what we did for Easter. ;o)

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