Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another Fun Experiment!

Well, 2009 is officially underway now and Christmas is old news so it's back to school we go. I have to say that although Christmas break was very fun and rewarding, we all were glad to get down to the business of school. We had a great first day. All the kids buckled right down and got to work. What a way to start off a new year! This riveting experiment I'm going to show you was officially performed in 2007, but I got kind of wrapped up in chatting about the holidays and, frankly, forgot about it. I found the video tucked away in a folder somewhere in the depths of the computer files (Don't ask me to find it're lucky I located it once.) and decided to share it with you. Be aware that I'm not really as smart as this experiment makes me look. I just got lucky that it worked properly. Believe you me, I was just as surprised as the kids when it actually turned out the way the book said it should.

So what are you actually seeing here? Well, from the looks of it, a chemical reaction. Luke mixed some acid with water then capped the jar to allow the subsequent gas to build up. He then lit a match and used it to light the end of a toothpick. Once the toothpick was burning well, he blew it out then held it over the jar. WOW!! Did you see the toothpick BURST into flame?? I did too!! We did it over and over again until the chemical reaction had worn itself out and no more gas was being created.

Of course, if this impresses you greatly and you wish to think that I am incredibly brilliant and capable, by all means, go right ahead.

1 comment:

carrie said...

that was great! and your commentary hilarious, just like in real life!