Saturday, January 17, 2009

I have always wanted to take pictures of the beautiful stained glass windows in our church. I love the way the sunlight streams through them and makes the colors so rich and deep. There are times when some of the panes just simply glow. And, of course, everyone knows that you can't have too much glow!
I know that the church is God's people, not a certain building. And I also know that if this lovely building where we worship was gone tomorrow, our church would still remain. But I do so enjoy being in this beautiful place. For me, it's the only church I've ever known, and I can't imagine belonging anywhere else.

It is humbling to think that so many years ago, people created these masterpieces to decorate God's House. No, a church doesn't have to look a certain way. I'm just so happy that mine is just right for me.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Those are beautiful pictures. I'm hiring you for my next family picture...just fyi.

P.S. I have a tag type award for you at our blog.